What To Expect From The Wizard Update

Friday, 24 May 2002:

The new Globel colour wizard is coming along really nicely and thanks to all our users has far exceeded our expectations... and has been delayed due to many of your questions, this new version will literally give you the facility to have thousands if not millions of different looking counters at your disposal that will undoubtedly blend in and fit virtually every WebPage design on the Internet just by the simple and effective use of colours with the added Bonus now of font colours, the features are really too numerous to mention here at the moment but it's well worth the wait, the step by step wizard makes it a breeze and builds the counter in real time as simple or as diverse as your imagination…

The ideas we have had for this still go past our even now new version, but you have to stop somewhere.... so we have added the facility in this version 3 to never have to paste your code again… that's right; once you put the new code of version three into your WebPage you will never have to do it again total control will be here at your Globel control panel so you can change the look of your counter every day if you want to without even touching your web page and your new design will dynamically happen within seconds of telling the wizard to build, additionally later on in the year we will introduce textures and dynamic Gif set construction so we are not finished yet but we must at the moment move on to another important area which is….Stats!!!!

As promised very soon we will be switching to the global statistics and improving these, we are using this time to take all your inquiries (and every single user inquiry is taken seriously and amazingly enough replied to) to improve our service, remove any problems and maximize it's efficiency if you have a problem or do not find our service adequate for your needs please tell us about it we need your criticism to improve our service.

A big Thankyou to all our users so far and to all our new ones welcome and we hope you enjoy your stay with us…
