New Statistics Features Coming Soon

Thursday, 04 July 2002:

I have finally got the first part of the statistics out the way, been looking long and hard on which way to approach this problem not just for layout and what you can see now but tried also to keep a minds eye on the future there's a lot planned…

I say the first part because I need you to at least start to upgrade your accounts within the statistics because this is the key to it all….. new users who may read this don't need to bother because all new accounts automatically get the most recent stuff and there's a lot more to go at least 20 pages dependent on how I arrange them, there now is a robot that prepares the stats for viewing the only drawback with this is there can be up to a 15 minute wait before the stats are updated but more often than not a few seconds it all depends how busy the new robot is at the time of update this all helps your accounts no end though as in the statistics now can handle many thousands of hits instead of struggling with huge logs and becoming sluggish, it's also kinder on bandwidth which we all know how hot I am on that one…. I have had to remove a few things temporarily but added a lot more than taken away, it's the new structure of the statistics that is dictating this so it's not my fault, got to say that……….

The stats now are going to go into more depth and if all goes well you should see some terrific stuff in the next few weeks this is like an incubation stage for the new robot to settle in and any bugs to rear their ugly heads, the FAQ will be updated in due course to cover the stats but for the most part they are pretty self explanatory there's more to come so stay tuned, and as always any problems do tell me instead of keeping it to yourself, I am an easy going type of chap….
