New Counter Code July 2002

Monday, 22 July 2002:

Upgrade-Upgrade-Upgrade I have been visiting several sites where the users have upgraded their statistics and not put the new counter code on their pages in all cases of this your counter will stop working so please change the code this is especially important for all old accounts I have been around a few of the accounts but I cannot advise all of you…

As you can tell the counter is coming along nicely now and the statistics will be improved even more in the next four weeks, I am in the process of setting up another upgrade but as advised in the past you will not have to change the pasting code on V3 accounts if you do not want to, the counter is constantly being improved and updated at the moment…

There have been quite a few problems in the cookies area of the counter and I knew there would be and this has been improved to stop your computer from being counted when you go into admin mode now the counter will display the last hit number also for you, additionally I have been setting up the code to enable more independent named counters so each page is physically named in the statistics and you get a separate count on each page, this is a couple of weeks off completion so will advise you then…

If you use this facility the code will be different for every page and there is no way around this really as each page will need to call a different counter code from our server, you can if you want still use the account the old way, but this will improve the exacting statistics no end so it is advisable to take a little time to do it….

Thanks again for your support Paul