Java, Screen, Daily Back Online

Java, Screen, Daily Back Online!!!
Monday, 23 December 2002 3:49 AM

Some more good news as well as a merry Christmas to all my users, as well as the referral information now I have added back all the java and screen resolutions and also daily statistics into the new layout….

To access the all counters hits statistics all you need to do is click on the link from the summary page in the general information area, it's opposite the: "Hits All Pages And Counters For Period" area!!! I will be adding graphs to the daily statistics in the New Year as well as the search keyword information and search engine statistics, I will be removing the hourly and weekday stats off of the summary page's as well as this information is repeated now in your all hits statistics

The reasons for this is quite simple, I am going to extend the summary page during the early part of next year and additionally this page now has been allocated for users with lot's of counters across their site, the system is capable of handling thousands of counters on one site, however to list all their independent information in the statistics has had to change a few things, including and dependant on the amount of counters maybe a next 100 page sort of listing utility, but for now I need to come off the statistics for a while.

There are several background improvements that need to be done as more users join and I am thinking of switching back to the counter itself again as there are some improvements here and additions I am thinking of adding.

Please as always let me know what you think so far and if you would like any other features included…

All the best