Background Changes March 2003

Saturday, 29 March 2003

Hello everyone. Not much to report at this point although several significant changes have taken place in the background!!!

The interface colours have changed a little to make the pages a little easier to read although the statistics part will not be updated for at least couple of weeks, main thing is the background changes that affect the user database, these will not have much relevance yet and do affect your logging in to the system and most will not notice any difference, as you do log in these upgrades will take place in the background and if you do have a problem logging in as always contact me and I will put it right for you, although in saying that it has been tested and do not expect too many problems in this area.

I am expecting to introduce a forms system for users in the next few weeks, I am in the process of building it and provided all tests go to plan you will be able to have a forms system on your website, this is due to lot's of requests and I needed a rest from the counter for a little while anyway; until then I bid you adieu for now.
